Entrepreneurs Forever is a place where you can get real with people who have your back. Their mission is to equalize economic opportunity by connecting often-overlooked small business owners with the peers, skills and support they need to succeed. They bring together small business owners to learn from each other’s experiences, share support, and tackle problems as they happen. It’s not a class. It’s real-life learning that works. And it’s completely free!
The program operates through a unique once-a-month, 2-hour virtual peer learning experience. Their goal is to bring small business owners together, enabling them to connect, learn, and genuinely engage in the pursuit of building thriving small businesses.
You won’t pay a dime for the many benefits of Entrepreneurs Forever. Why? Because their program is fully funded by organizations and individuals who care about the success of your business and the community you call home.
To qualify for Entrepreneurs Forever membership, business owners should meet the following criteria:
- Been in business for at least one year.
- Have a minimum of $30,000 in gross revenue.
- Work in their business full-time.
The impact of the program is truly remarkable, with some key statistics highlighting the value it brings to its members:
- Within 2.2 years of joining the Entrepreneurs Forever program:
- More than 50% of members grow revenue by 74%.
- Most members increase their owner compensation by 136%.
- Most members grow their staff from 2 to 5.7 employees
Check out their site for more information or to register.