Carnegie Museums of Pittsburgh presents Hispanic Heritage Celebration

Carnegie Museums of Pittsburgh is thrilled to honor and celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month at Carnegie Museums of Art and Natural History. Join us throughout the day for Latin musical performances, a scavenger hunt, spotlight stops featuring Latin American scientific specimens, a Colombian food truck, and Spanish-language tours.

Don’t miss our special activities!

All Day: Pick up a scavenger hunt sheet, “Three Birds and a Butterfly,” at the admissions desk to search for Latin American specimens throughout Carnegie Museum of Natural History.

All Day-Hispanic specimen spotlights featuring gems and minerals, dinosaurs, jaguars, and birds at various locations throughout Carnegie Museum of Natural History.

Noon to 4 p.m.-Food and drink in the Sculpture Court. Colombino food truck serves authentic Colombian cuisine (gluten-free and vegan options available and a cash bar.)

Noon to 5 p.m.-sets by SazonPGH in the Sculpture Court.

1 and 3 p.m.-Spanish-language tours of Carnegie Museum of Art’s collection will meet in the Scaife Lobby just outside the Carnegie Museum of Art Store.

2 to 3 p.m.- Dance and musical performances from the Geña y Peña Trio in the Sculpture Court.

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