Caring Connections for YOUth, a community-led initiative developed by the Black Girls Equity Alliance (BGEA), provides access to support and services to ANY YOUTH, up to age 18, living in Allegheny County, Pittsburgh, PA, as a diversion to the Juvenile Justice and Child Welfare Systems.
What They Offer:
- Access to a 24-hour centralized call center through 2•1•1
- Access to a Referral Network of community-based agencies, case management & follow-up, provider training and support
- Connections to community-based supportive interventions for youth, parents, police officers, school personnel, probation, magistrates, juvenile court judges, & any youth-serving entity
The BGEA Juvenile Justice Work Group has sought to address this problem by building a vast network of community partners to address issues of the school-to-prison pipeline, school pushout, lack of trust in law enforcement, access to services, lack of mental health services, lack of trained professionals and a system disconnected from communities.
Click the link for more information: