This Week In White Supremacy | State Recognized Whiteness America is Back On full Tilt and it’s bad for everybody. What else is there to say? This show always writes itself! This Week In White Supremacy is a podcast by 1Hood Media discussing the cultural effects and weekly shenanigans of the societal ill that is white supremacy. Through intelligent, insightful, and often comedic conversations 1Hood seeks to empower all people to be aware of and informed of the injustice that is white supremacy. DISCLAIMER: The views and opinions expressed during this presentation are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of 1Hood Media, 1Hood Power, and or its affiliates. We do not own the copyrights to the selected songs, audios and/or videos in this broadcast. This Week In White Supremacy is brought to you by the 1HOOD Media Network
Caucasian guy with arabian friend showing thumb thumb in the city